The Blue Coat Saga
The Blue Coat Saga, is a compelling and poignant story, set in the darkest days of World War II.
It can be purchased as a whole or it can be purchased in three parts.
Book 1 The Rendezvous in Paris
Book 2 The Lost Legacy of Time
Book 3 The Secret Book of Names
The Blue Coat Saga (Box Set)
She has the power to save the future, but she must first face the evil in the past.
In 1942 German-occupied Paris, nineteen-year-old Leah Manheim turns up the collar of her blue coat against a biting wind as she waits outside Saint-Ambroise Cathedral for English Marine Commando, Aidan McQueen. When she signed up with the resistance two years ago, she knew all the risks. Luckily her friends smuggled her parents out of Paris and away from the looming danger of arrest and transport to a concentration camp. Leah must keep her wits about her, focus on her mission, and survive….
In present-day Brooklyn, librarian Rose Levi finds a tattered, old blue coat at the back of her late grandmother’s closet. Keep? Donate? Throw away? A lifetime of memories to sort through, wrapped in faded tissue paper, sprinkled with dust. But it’s the packet of Bubbie’s letters tied up in a faded ribbon and tucked in a drawer that gives her pause. Can she even believe the words? Rose must keep her wits about her and find the courage to accomplish the task her grandmother has given her….
The Blue Coat Saga is a unique, three-part, time-travel mystery thriller weaving together the lives of two extraordinary women and the destiny they both share.